
歌曲資訊/ 노래정보/ Information of the song:
歌名/ 곡명/ Title:Find Me
歌手/ 가수/ Artist:太妍/ 태연/ Taeyeon
專輯/ 앨범/ Album: 2nd Album - Purpose

歌詞/ 가사/ Lyrics:

I don’t care 닿을 수 없대도
I don't care even if I cannot reach.

이 바람결에 날 맡기며
Just leave myself in the wind,

자유로운 새들처럼
like free birds

저 쏟아진 빛을 향해 내디뎌
reach for the pouring light.

문득 눈앞에 뜨는 Vision
The vision showind up in front of my eyes suddenly.

금빛 찬란한 My destination
金黃燦爛的My destination
My destination shining goldly.

머금었던 숨을 크게 내쉬어
I deeply exhale the breathe that I hold 

굳게 닫힌 창을 열고서
and open the window closed tightly.

I will be okay. I will find the way
我會很好的 我會找到去向的

더이상 추락 따윈 나에겐 의미 없어
For me, keeping falling is meaningless.

I will be okay

보이진 않아도 분명
就算不被看到 但是分明地
Even if it cannot be seen, it's clearly that

날갯짓이 파동들을 만들어내
flapping can create waves.

Don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
Don't stop flying, up to the height of the sky.

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me.

Don’t stop running 태양 끝까지
不要停止奔跑 直到太陽的盡頭
Don't stop running until the end of the sun

태양 끝까지 Until you find me
直到太陽的盡頭 直到你找到我
until the end of the sun, until you find me.

날 믿어 날개를 펴
相信我 開展你的雙翼
Trust me and spread your wings.

So don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
所以不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
So don't stop flying up to the height of the sky

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me

어둠 속 잠기던 날 이끈
The warmth seeping through the small crack of

맘 작은 틈새 스며든 온기 Yeah
my heart and saving me drowing in the dark out. Yeah

수 갈래 빛 갈라진 밤
數道光線 裂開的黑夜
Several rays of light, cracked night

어떤 슬픈 꿈이 나를 그리 울렸던 걸까
how sorrowful the dream is, making me crying so hard?

I will be okay I will find the way
我會很好的 我會找到去向的

내 맘속 불꽃처럼 타오른 소원이여
The wish in my heart burning like a flame

I will be okay

높푸른 하늘의 끝에
At the end of the blue sky,

손을 뻗어 조금만 더 가깝도록
只為了更靠近一點點 我伸出手
to get a little bit closer, I reached out my hand

Don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
Don't stop flying, up to the height of the sky.

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me.

Don’t stop running 태양 끝까지
不要停止奔跑 直到太陽的盡頭
Don't stop running until the end of the sun

태양 끝까지 Until you find me
直到太陽的盡頭 直到你找到我
until the end of the sun, until you find me.

날 믿어 날개를 펴
相信我 開展你的雙翼
Trust me and spread your wings.

So don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
所以不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
So don't stop flying up to the height of the sky

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me

수평선 너머 구름들마저
Even the clouds beyond the horizon

감싸 안아줘 나를 도와줘
都環抱著我 幫助著我
hug me and help me.

I’m gonna make it

한계를 넘어 쓰러진 대도
Even if I fall down because of beyond my limitation,

멈추지 않고 용기를 내서 더
我也不會停止 也會拿出更多勇氣
I will not stop and I will pluck up my courage.

Until you find me

Don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
Don't stop flying, up to the height of the sky.

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me.

Don’t stop running 태양 끝까지
不要停止奔跑 直到太陽的盡頭
Don't stop running until the end of the sun

태양 끝까지 Until you find me
直到太陽的盡頭 直到你找到我
until the end of the sun, until you find me.

날 믿어 날개를 펴
相信我 開展你的雙翼
Trust me and spread your wings.

So don’t stop flying 하늘을 높이
所以不要停止翱翔 到天空的高度
So don't stop flying up to the height of the sky

하늘을 높이 Until you find me
到天空的高度 直到你找到我
up to the height of the sky, until you find me


延伸閱讀/ More trans in "Purpose":
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Spark (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Wine (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Four Seasons (歌詞/ Lyrics/ / Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Gravity (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Here I am (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - City Love (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Dear Me (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - My Tragedy (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - Drawing Our Memories (歌詞/ Lyrics/ 가사)

Taeyeon's songs in Begin Again 3:
[韓中英歌詞] Taeyeon - If
[韓中英歌詞] Wax - Fixing My Makeup (화장을 고치고)

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